School bussing is a privilege, not a right. Students are responsible to the Principal/Vice-principal for their behavior on and off the bus. Bus safety is extremely important and MPS asks students to follow the Bus Safety Regulations:

  1. DO NOT distract the Bus Driver.
  2. Students MUST stay seated at ALL times/No moving when the bus is in motion.
  3. Students are NOT permitted to stick arms or head out the window.
  4. Fighting, pushing, throwing things, loud noises and rough play are NOT permitted.
  5. Name-calling or inappropriate language is NOT permitted
  6. DO NOT damage the bus
  7. Keep the bus clean.

Students who do not follow bus safety rules may have their bus privileges suspended for a week.

Parent Reminders:
(refer to Pupil Transportation Policy)

  • For safety reasons, students are only permitted to have one pick-up and one drop-off point.
  • Requests for students to be picked up and dropped off at another location will not be accommodated, unless the change is permanent. The request must be submitted in writing at least one day before the change.
  • Student misbehavior is subject to progressive discipline and can lead to suspension or expulsion (refer to Safe Schools Policy)
  • Parents/Guardians are responsible for the safety and conduct of their child(ren) to, from and while at their bus stops.
  • It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure that their child(ren) are not left unattended at a bus stop when school bus transportation has been cancelled.
  • Please check Moosonee Public School’s Facebook page or the school’s website: for up-to-date information.

Bussing is provided for the following groups of students:

  1. Junior & Senior Kindergarten
  2. Students residing at the former Armed Forces Base
  3. Students residing along and south of Pisew Street
  4. Students in Grade 1, 2 and 3 residing north of Fourth Street and south of Gardiner.

(Refer to the School Emergency Plans & Procedures Manual)