Food for Thought
At Moosonee Public School we participate in several nutrition programs. One is a joint effort between the Breakfast Club of Canada and the Red Cross. The other is with the Public Health Unit.
To assist with high cost of shipping, Ontario Northland Railway provides free shipping for the items purchased through the Red Cross.
A variety of foods are provided throughout the day to the students. Each morning all classes are given a breakfast snack. The food items are delivered to the classes, often prior to students’ arrival. This may be granola bars, fruit sauces, yogurt, fresh fruit, vegetables, oatmeal cookies, or a cereal raisin trail mix.
Each year, usually starting in January, the Public Health Unit sponsors the Northern Fruit and Vegetable Program. Northern Stores in Moosonee also is a proud supporter of this program which is intended to have the entire student body familiarize themselves with a variety of fruit and vegetables. So to accomplish this all grades are given the chosen fruit or vegetable in the morning. Throughout the balanced day schedule there are 2 nutrition snack times. As well as the food items noted above sandwiches on whole wheat bread or bagels could be on the menu. At these times, snacks are provided for students who did not bring snacks to school and for those who may still be hungry.
The Public Health Inspector provides guidance to ensure that we meet the required health regulations.