Welcome to Kindergarten!

Play, wonder,​ and learn.

Starting school is a big step for your child and your whole family. But it’s made easier when you have all the information you need. Learn more about preparing your child for the early learning kindergarten program using the Ontario Full-day Kindergarten Tips Sheet.

The Ministry of Education has a great Kindergarten page for parents to peruse. Check it out at https://www.ontario.ca/page/kindergarten.

What to bring to registration

Parents or guardians may choose to fill out the Registration Form before attending the school, with the following documents, to register their child:

A. Proof of child’s age (one of):

  • Canadian birth certificate
  • Canadian Passport
  • citizenship card/certificate
  • Permanent Resident Card
  • confirmation of permanent residence

B. Proof of address (one of):

  • Ontario driver’s licence
  • utility bill
  • bank statement/client slip (directly from financial institution)
  • credit card statement

C. Proof of Custody

Documentation of custody for children with alternate living arrangements (anyone other than parent(s)) must provided.

D. Proof of Immunization

Students registering in school for the first time must provide proof of immunization/vaccination. If you don’t have an immunization record for your child, please call the Porcupine Health Unit at 705-336-2294. Please call PHU for information about the immunization schedule in Ontario and for information on how to have your child immunized.


Missing documents?
If you are missing some documents, you can still visit the school and our staff will help you with all registration requirements.

What if my child learns differently?
Students who have a demonstrated developmental disability, physical disability, hearing or vision loss or other diagnosis may require specialized support in the school setting. Please discuss any concerns that you have with our staff to ensure the proper arrangements are made for a smooth transition for your child’s entry to school. ​

Is there a cost to register?
Our full-day kindergarten program is part of Ontario’s publicly funded school system and there is no cost for your child to attend.

How many students are in a kindergarten class?
A class size standard for the early learning kindergarten (ELK) program has been set by the Ministry of Education at an average of 26 students. This provides for an average child-adult ratio of 13:1.

What are dual-age classrooms?
Dual-age (4 & 5 year old) kindergarten further supports how young children learn best. Using the differences in age and development together in the same classroom help children learn and achieve more than they would in a same-age classroom.

When does class start? When should I drop off or pick up my child?
Our ELK classes are open for student drop off as early as 8:15 am and class starts at 8:30am. Pick up and bussing is at 2:50 pm.

Does my child qualify for free busing?
Busing will be offered for kindergarten students to and from the core program, based on the transportation policy.

Is kindergarten mandatory?
No. In Ontario, children are required to attend school once they turn six. However, we sincerely believe that this is the best possible start to your child’s education.


What kind of activities take place in kindergarten?
Children learn through play. Our program supports each child’s emotional and social development, oral, reading, writing, math and science abilities are nurtured in rich, real-life contexts. Every day, the educator(s) provide a variety activities and routines allowing children to explore, discover, inquire and problem-solve together. Children also participate in daily outdoor or indoor physical activity.

Are their any after school programs?

MPS has partnered with Tikinagan Day Care to provide after school programming for students in kindergarten to grade six. The cost is $10/day. For more information, please call 705-336-2913.